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The commission, open to anyone to apply, was for the design, application and construction of an enormous exterior glass wall measuring nearly 30’ x 8’. I had never used glass before and thought that the simplicity and translucency of my abstract paintings might translate in glass. I made it very clear in my submission that I had no knowledge of glass.

It was both a challenging and fascinating experience. I travelled from one end of the country to the other meeting glass experts trying to resolve the problems inherent in my creative ambitions as primarily I didn’t want to be restricted and reduce the glass into small sections to fit into the comparatively small kilns that are available but wanted to exploit the scale, expanse and openness of the glass. I ended up using a combination of etching, blasting and pigments in resin and worked closely with glass technicians who worked hard to translate and interpret my aims.

I went to many glass foundries in search of people I could work with and I ended up in Pemberton’s foundry in Liverpool who where extremely open, helpful, encouraging and interested in working with an artist. It was an inspiring experience.

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